Being Active
Being physically active during the day is vital for the under-fives for their physical development as well as their personal, social and emotional development.
Our large indoor and outdoor learning areas, combined with our extensive gardens, provide ample space for our children to move energetically and enjoy our play equipment. From the toddlers upwards, playful physical activities gradually build towards more structured sports and swimming classes.
Our Sports teachers provide specialist PE/Games sessions twice a week with the children often heard singing as the teachers lead them to the Astro-turf pitch, the swimming pool or the main sports grounds. We call it: ‘Learning our ABC’s,’ encouraging Agility, Balance and Coordination with a little ‘s’ for Speed! Our swimming coaches teach sessions built into the Early Years timetable starting from Nursery 2 and we showcase sports events to our parents.
Children from Nursery 2 can also take part in a range of Extra-curricular activities such as ballet, taekwondo, football, golf and tennis.
Early years football training
Optional paid activities
Early Years Football is available from a specialist peripatetic team who provide an afternoon coaching session once a week to children in the Early Years.
Optional paid activity
Qualified peripatetic teachers support first ballet lessons during one lunch-break a week. Children from both Nursery 2 and Reception can join this activity.
Lamda: speech and drama lessons
Optional paid activities
A qualified peripatetic teacher provides first drama and verse speaking opportunities in this very popular skill to both Nursery 2 and Reception children during one lunch-break a week.
Optional paid activity
A peripatetic teacher offers private tennis lessons from Reception and Nursery 2 children one afternoon a week.
Optional paid activity
A peripatetic swimming coach provides additional coaching lessons for both Nursery 2 and Reception children.
Optional paid activity
Peripatetic gymnastics coaches provide this popular afternoon activity available for children in Nursery 2 and Reception.
Optional paid activity
A peripatetic golf coach provides an after school coaching lesson for children in Reception.
Optional paid activity
A peripatetic Taekwondo coach provides a lunch-time lesson available for both Nursery 2 and Reception children.
Little Einsteins
Optional paid activity
This popular extra is available for Reception children run by Little Einsteins East Africa
Optional paid activity
A peripatetic teacher leads this popular activity one afternoon a week for Reception children.
Individual Instrument Lessons
Optional paid activity
Additional private Instrumental lessons are available with qualified peripatetic teachers.