The academic curriculum in the Upper School is based on the British National Curriculum in Years 5 and 6 and an independent curriculum, aligned to the ISEB 13+ Common Entrance, in Years 7 and 8. Our pupils sit the Common Entrance examinations at the end of Year 8.
Our children are now taking on responsibilities – From Year 5, class teachers are replaced by subject specialists and each pupil is assigned a Form Tutor who oversees their day to day pastoral needs.
In addition to the core subjects of English and Mathematics, Science (separated into Physics, Chemistry and Biology lessons from Year 7) the timetable is also made up of the following subjects: French, Kiswahili, Geography, History, Art, Drama, Music, RS (Religious Studies) Computing, Performing Arts, Design & Technology, Games, PE and PSHE (Personal Social Health Economic Education).
In Year 7 and 8, Religion, Philosophy & Ethics (RPE) provides additional opportunities to examine beliefs and traditions, philosophical thinkers and ethical debates. For our Year 8 pupils, our post Common Entrance programme includes a varied and exciting programme of events and activities with the aim of providing the children with some vital skills for their life beyond The Banda, as well as a well-earned injection of fun!
Classes are small; we set for Mathematics from Year 5 and from Year 7 or Year 8, for French, English and Science. In this way a very individual approach can be offered to every child so that the learning style and pace is appropriate. Homework forms part of the weekly routine, and assessment opportunities and parent teacher meetings are spaced carefully through the school calendar allowing plenty of opportunity for target setting and feedback, both to pupils and parents.