The strength of relationships between pupils and staff is something we pride ourselves on at The Banda, and walking around the school you will often see pupils and staff engaging in relaxed chat and laughter.
Your child’s Form Tutor will oversee their pastoral needs when they reach the Upper School in Year 5, and will be a parent’s first port of call with any questions or concerns. Regular Form time sessions provide the opportunity to bond as a Form and to engage in discussion and resolve any issues. There is a sense of pride amongst the Form groups as well as plenty of opportunity to interact with the pupils in the rest of the Year.
A knowledge of who to turn to if there is a problem is key, and pupils are regularly reminded through discussion and Form displays of the various staff members, including our full time School Counsellor, our Assistant Director Pastoral and the Deputy Head, who they can talk to if they have anything they wish to share.
Our weekly ‘Well-being Wednesday’ activities provide an opportunity for various forms of self-reflection and our school assemblies reinforce important moral lessons and our focus on half termly values. Our Prefects, House Captains and Head Boy and Girl work as an important link between our pupils and teachers and help to keep an eye out for any pupils who may be in need. They meet regularly with the Head and Deputy Head which provides an opportunity to bring forward ideas or concerns from the pupil body, as well as an opportunity to enjoy each others’ company!
Any safeguarding concerns are brought immediately to the attention of our Designated Safeguarding Lead. See our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.
The Banda balances pastoral and academics brilliantly.